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As the accessory list on page five was designed to be a tick list that could be printed if required, it ended up looking a little dry. The next few pages aim to rectify this situation with illustrations where possible, and descriptions taken from catalogues (in italics). I'll also add a few comments about usefulness, user experiences and my own collection. I've added the dates that items were introduced, and dropped where I've been able to work them out. Don't regard these as gospel though, as I don't have access to every single years catalogue, and sometimes items last longer abroad.
The first two pages contain the A-Z range, produced originally to complement the flat card and plastic figures of the
1940s and '50's. However, some of these items did continue under the old codes until 1977, and the small balls not only survived under the "C" codes, but ended up being "61145" in the Waddington range. This range came prior to my own Subbuteo playing days, so my thanks to everyone who has donated pictures
and information for this page. The descriptions are mostly from my catalogues dated
November 2000: An especially big thank you goes to Nigel Hills whose scan
of the 1949-50 catalogue has allowed me to include all the sets that had
disappeared by 1967. (For the record they are Sets A, B, I, J, K, and L(a)
June 2022: An Autumn 1947 price list has surfaced, and is surely the
earliest version that was produced. The letter range was introduced here, and
reached Set L. Whilst the later accessory lists are remarkably consistent, there
were a few differences in the original list, and they are now included here for
completeness. Hopefully, it doesn't make the page too confusing, and luckily
they are all confined to this first page, which takes us up to Set M.
Set A (first version): The Popular Introductory
Assembly Outfit.
Complete in box, with full assembling instructions
and rules of play, together with advice on how to spin the figures.
From 1947-53, the first set in the accessory range was the full edition of the game. Called the Assembly edition, it was a real do-it-yourself set. The goals came as flat metal poles, the netting was a paper sheet, and you were given a piece of chalk so you could mark out the pitch on an old army blanket. Of course, it isn't really an accessory. So see the Box sets 1947-69 page for more details, or for more details on the early life of the game try Subbuteo in the 1940s
Set A (second
version): Basic Accessory Outfit.
Including 2 smaller balls, referee
and two linemen, goal holding device, material for keeping the ball in the net,
six corner flags, referee whistle, surround apparatus, and score recorder.
Complete in Presentation Box.
By 1953-54 the original Assembly Edition had been joined by the Combination and Super Assembled Editions. This meant that it was no longer appropriate for it to be Set A. It was replaced in the accessory range by a presentation set of the most useful accessories that weren't included in any of the boxed versions of the game. So this did not include goals, the larger balls, or fixture cards (which you would already own with your set), but it did include the goal holders, smaller balls etc. For the record, the accessories included in this set were FF, P, Q, R, T, V, Y and Z (early version).
Set B: Subscription to
the Table Soccer Player's Association.
Badge, Membership Card, and the current issue of the
8-page bulletin which details the names and addresses of members is sent
to you.
Another accessory from the 1947 catalogue, the Players Association was established very early in Subbuteo's life. It was a real part of Peter Adolph's vision for his game. As an early pamphlet states "it's more than a game - its an organisation. You are now an owner-player, so please take advantage of all the facilities." The subscription remained in the range until 1965-66, and the cost remained at 2s for the entire period.
This set is now illustrated by some Player's Association items from the 1940s. On the left is a certificate card No 5903/14013. The 5903 is printed on, and the 14013 hand written. Inside this certifies that R Y Stafford is a member, and this is initialled "p.a.a". On the right are issues two and four of the bulletin (Winter 1947/48 and Season 1949/50 respectively). Issue four illustrates the "Silver Cup", which was won by the champion player each season. For the seasons 1947-48 and 1948-49 it was won by Peter Findley initially in the "Devon A" league, but later playing in Steyning - a small market town just a few miles from where I live. Thanks to Terry for photographing these papers. The bulletin was basically a copy of all the results and tables sent to the association by the clubs of the time, large or small.
Set BB: Subbuteo Player Badge.
Brightly coloured, enabling you to be recognised as a Subbuteo Table Soccer owner.
This was a late comer to the A-Z range, not arriving until 1962. Whilst I'm not completely confident, it seems likely that the badges shown on the left and middle of the above illustration are those sold as Set BB. They are the right era, and the words "Subbuteo Player" match up nicely to the description. The red rimmed badge is the earlier of the two, featuring a player in the v-necked short sleeve shirt of the original heavyweight figure (also introduced circa 1962). The later green edged badge (shown middle) is an updated version for the 1970s, featuring the long sleeved corner kick style figure featured in the Subbuteo logo of the period. The green badge seems the more unusual of the two.
There were various other badges issued after this time, mostly to members of the player's associations (see above). However, the final green badge illustrated above was a general issue. It was advertised as part of the Club Edition package in the 1986 catalogue, and is shown here because I didn't know where else to put it!
October 2022: Site regular Ashley Hemming owns this additional Subbuteo badge, which could be the original Set BB, but might actually date from the mid-1950s (so maybe a later TSPA badge?).
Set C: Advanced Table Soccer Booklet.
This little booklet launched in 1947, and went through several different versions. The cover states "as applicable to the football game invented by the author", and gives P A Adolph the world copyright. The booklet assumed that the reader had already digested the two booklets provided with the box sets i.e. the elementary playing instructions and the spin leaflet.
Inside the booklet were a number of sections. Firstly, it explained about forming leagues and registering them with the Table Soccer Players Assn. It advises that a senior league consists of 16 players (usually split into divisions), but that you can form a sectional league with as few as four players. Players should then play at least 20 games per season. Senior leagues got to send one player (the champion usually) to the "All Britain Silver Cup Championship" which was held every year in London. A panel of judges selected an unspecified number of players from the sectional leagues to join them.
Peter Adolph then talks about the game under various headings - "setting out the game", "Propulsion", "Etiquette", "Tactics", and "your team as your favourite club". He also illustrates the correct method for the ground shot, and for raising the ball. The latter method even works for me, although its interesting that in the 1967 version the ground shot is illustrated with a OO scale player and the chip with a flat. Perhaps Mr Adolph had trouble chipping with a h/w like most of us (but even I can chip with a flat).
The item survived on this number until 1972-73, and then became C116 until finally ceasing in 1981-82, by which time all the rulebooks had been amalgamated. The cover of the revised 1970-71 copy of the book is shown under C116. This 1970s revision has no mention of Peter Adolph or the Players Assn.
Set D: Complete team.
Comprising one press-out cardboard team sheet, 10 bases, one number sheet, one goalkeeper base with wire handle.
By the 1949-50 season, a new press-out version was being produced. These were still sold as a card sheet, but only needed to be cut along the base to release the figures, so they were stronger as a result. A decision to outline these new figures in black was not so popular, but at least makes the different figures very easy to recognise. With the arrival of the press-out teams, the cut-outs were phased out, although stock took a little while to use up. In 1950-51 refs 3, 4, 8, 9, 11 and 12 were still in cut-out form. The final catalogue to mention cut-outs was 1953-54, which only had 3, 4, 11 and 12 in the old format.
The team number sheet allowed figures to be numbered, and old positions were also provided, and usually placed on the bases (i.e. IF = inside forward). The bases were produced in colours to match the teams, but were also sold separately as Set E, so see below for more details.
Set E (1947 only): Two Goal Frames, 1 Netting Sheet, Self Adhesive Tape.
On the very first price list in Autumn 1947 Set E was a set of the original goal frames, complete with paper nets, and sticky tape. This cost 3s 8d (with 4d postage). The goal frames on their own were Set J, and that cost 1s 3d. That seems a lot of extra money for the paper nets and the tape. This set was gone by 1948, with Set J being the remaining goal option until the more deluxe versions were introduced.
The late 1960s catalogue description above shows the full range of colours produced, but their arrival was staggered over the period. The specially designed "Super Flattened" bases arrived in the summer of 1947, in red, blue, black and white. Green and yellow bases were available for goalkeepers, but not sold for full teams at this stage. The first numbered price list of 1947 added old gold (for ref 6), and 1948 saw the arrival of green (for ref 15), and tangerine (for ref 13). The following year (1949-50) saw the arrival of a sky blue team as the new reference five, and sky blue bases were added to cover this reference.
Yellow team bases finally arrived in 1952-53, with maroon added the same year. Teams 27 (Hearts), and 28 (Norwich) were added in 1953-54 and were ideal for these colours. Next to arrive was the less useful grey base. This had actually also first appeared in 1952-53, in set HH, to be used with the goalkeeper in a grey jersey. It was made available for teams in 1955-56. There was then a long wait until the final colour, mauve, which was not introduced until 1967, which was a year before Anderlecht (ref 55) was added to the list. It is odd that Subbuteo very rarely used the mauve colour, even in heavyweights (where Anderlecht was usually sold on light blue bases).
As can be expected from an item produced for twenty-five years, there are differences and variances in the bases. Most bases have the word Subbuteo on them. The early bases have the word twice, and the font is different. The most common base has Subbuteo written only once around the rim, with their British design no (851000) on the other side. This type of base was also produced with Subbuteo written twice around the top though. There are also early bases with no writing on them at all.
There are also different shades in many of the colours, with a dull blue common in the early sets. The early bases are often prone to a serious breakdown in the plastic, with blistering and a while film visible on the top surface. The blue and green bases seem more prone than the red, so it might be something to do with the dyes used.
Set F: Two/Three
brown panelled balls.
Standard size, best quality. (White or orange panelled available at the same price for those who require them).
This was the standard sized football used in Subbuteo until the 1970s. The medium sized ball that became the norm in the 1980s didn't make its first appearance until set C121 in 1969, but even then the larger sized ball was still the one used in the box sets up to and including the 1981 re-box. Players using flat figures will tell you that you cannot play the game properly using any other size of ball.
This set itself started in the 1940s as a two ball set (and cost a a shilling by 1949-50). These early balls are obviously an different type of plastic than the later ones, and have a rather odd feel. The colour of the plastic on the standard brown ball seems to range from very dark to a light leathery version, and a stitching detail appeared on some 1950s balls.
The "varied colour smooth ball" is a slight mystery. Early Newfooty was often shown with a small ball made from two different coloured halves, and it is likely that this was what Peter Adolph was also offering. The original rules booklet of the 1940s did show Subbuteo being played with this style of ball, and the 1947 set shown on Subbuteo in the 1940s had the green and red ball also shown here. The second picture shows a group of 1950s Subbuteo accessory boxes, and a selection of two-tone balls. Were these genuine Subbuteo issue then?
The set lasted under this number until 1977, when it changed to C144. That set in turn survived until 1985 (finally as 61144). The balls from the 1960s and 1970s were a thick sturdy plastic, but they became thinner and more prone to breaking in later years. The late version had three panels rather than two and are illustrated under C144.
Set FF: Two/Three small balls.
In brown, white and orange.
The small balls arrived in the catalogue in 1952-53, along with the small goals (Set NN), both introduced for the experienced player. Certainly, a smaller ball made things more difficult, both in hitting the ball, and in trying to save shots... but mastering the angles to affect direction, and chipping the ball are not exactly easy even with the larger balls. I can't imagine too many players needing the extra challenge.
Like Set F, this item was composed of only two balls in the 1950s. However, here the two ball version lasts much longer with the 1965-66 catalogue still showing Set FF as a two ball set. It finally became a three ball version in the 1966-67 range. I think the ball was originally only available in brown. A couple of years ago, I was under the impression that this remained the most common colour for this ball - but I've seen a number of white and orange ones since then, so I'm not so sure.
Like Set F, these balls lasted on this number until 1977. They then became C145, and survived on this new number long enough to become 61145 in 1983-84, before finally disappear around 1986.
I've also included a picture here to illustrate the different sizes of Subbuteo ball available. The standard continental ball size (introduced with C121 in 1969) is on the left, Set FF is in the middle, and Set F is in the right.
Set G: Two press-out cardboard team sheets. One number sheet.
In colour chart references 1-50 only.
Card team sheets were so cheap that you were given two in this set. Good huh? As explained under Set D, the sheets originally needed to be cut out with scissors, but became press-out in the early 1950s. The press out teams had a black border around the players (shown very clearly in the scan), and several players have expressed a dislike of this to me. However press-out teams were vital to cut down on the risk of bending the players.
The number sheets were "lick-and-stick" adhesive paper with numbers and player positions to place on players backs and bases. Of course the positions were very 1950s (I.R. = inside right).
Set H (1947 only): Two Special Goal-Keeper bases and wire handles.
Another surprise from the 1947 price list, this set consisted of the goal-keeper bases rather than a sheet of the figures. At the time, the goalkeeper bases had just switched from the square flat "T-bases" to the standard Super Flattened Base that the rest of the team had started to use. As these bases could be removed from the handle for goal kicks, it might have made sense for existing owners to buy replacements. However, it also made sense to replace this with the standard set H, (a sheet of goalkeepers) which is shown below. It was the card goalkeepers who were easily damaged and would need regular replacement, rather than the robust base and wire combination.
The two bases and wires (I assume one yellow and one green) cost 11d in their one catalogue appearance.
Set H: One special goalkeeper sheet.
This was a small sheet of card goalkeepers. Of course you did get a goalkeeper on the standard team sheet, but I guess lots of spares would be needed, because card goalkeepers only have a short life. Once they have bent at the ankles they are next to useless. However, their life could be extended by strengthening the back of the ankles with a matchstick.
Set HH: Set of plastic goalkeepers.
When Peter Adolph put goalkeepers onto standard bases in the late 1940s, he introduced new rules that allowed players to remove their goalkeeper from the rod in order to play the ball out of the penalty area (you were not allowed to use the goalkeeper like a snooker cue). There were problems with this idea though. As well as slowing the game down, the goalkeepers would become loose on the rod, which would affect their performance. Never one to miss a sale, Adolph offered spare goalkeepers to do the job instead.
The two goalkeepers that came in the 1950s box sets and teams wore green and yellow, so I'm not sure why Subbuteo chose these colours for the spares. Still, I guess they made a change. It was also a use for the grey base. In fact, it was the arrival of this item in 1952-53 saw the introduction of the grey base, and it was not offered as a team option until 1955-56. The crimson base may explain some colour variations in red bases. I assume these colours were picked so that the spare goalkeeper did not clash with any of the other outfielders when used (although Set LL did not follow up on this idea).
It's worth noting that these goalkeepers were sold with bases, whereas the card sheet was not. (Therefore the card sheet cost 7d in the 1950s, while celluloid goalies were 1s 2d). Regular website visitors will be pleased to see the correct colour goalkeepers now being illustrated.
Set I: Real Netting
for fixing to both goals, together with white
adhesive tape for covering posts etc, and full instructions for
The very first Subbuteo goals had paper nets, but real netting improved the look of the game no end. This set was just the two pieces of netting, and allowed players to update their older goals. This set first arrived on Peter Adolph's first price list of Autumn 1947, and the original look is shown in his own photos for the various rule books produced from 1948 onwards. Interestingly though, there are actually two versions of this. The early version did have the adhesive tape, which was made of a thick Hessian material. This gave the goal posts a thick, square appearance.
The first version might have been short lived, as the 1949 rule book showed goals complete with the version I own (scanned in above). Mind you, real nets had arrived on the deluxe goal option by 1949. These deluxe metal goals had white acetate covering the posts/crossbar. My illustrated bagged set actually has these tubes rather than tape, although this was never in the description.
Set J: Two Goal Frames
...with crossbars.
A helpful description there - the cross bars were separate pieces on these early self-assembly goals. These were the basic goals from the first ever sets. I guess you could make your own paper nets or buy Set I.
JJ: Ball-raising chute.
Thanks to Nigel Hills who heard my plea for one of these to test drive! As the picture shows, this was quite a large item, and had a 45 degree slope. When you first use it, you think it's going to be too steep, but in fact, it does deliver a decent corner, goal kick, or floated free kick. Add realism to your Wimbledon team! The main problem is that the player tends to follow the same flight path. It survived in the range for almost twenty years, but by then both the indented corner flags (C117) and large corner kickers (C131) had removed the need for it. Of the items in the A-Z range that lasted until 1976, this was the only one which missed out on a "C" number. This might be because the remaining chutes found a different form of work. See the Terracing Set for details....
I have seen three different versions of this set. The original was made of transparent plastic, and this then switched to a dark green. From the 1960s onwards, the chute was a more professionally produced version in mid-green, with Subbuteo embossed on the under side.
Set K (1947): Green Plastic Sheeting.
for converting into a Playing Pitch Cloth 54" x 36", together with 11 yard
roll of white tape for marking touch lines.
This strange item appears only on the 1947 price list, and is also mentioned as being available in the original version of the Advanced Table Soccer booklet, where Peter Adolph says sensibly "Green cloth similar to that used for Billiard Tables is the most effective material on which to play", but then goes on to offer "alternatively, a green plastic cloth, details of which you will find in the inserted Price List". These two references are currently all that is known about this item. Plastics were in their infancy in this period, and it would be interesting to see what this product was that Peter Adolph had felt was suitable for playing on. Most modern plastics would play far too quickly. He does call it a "plastic cloth", but that doesn't tell you much.
Set K: Green Baize Cloth.
for converting into a Playing Pitch 54ins X 36ins
This was simply a normal playing pitch without the markings. So grab the chalk from the original box set and get drawing.... This item cost 13s 6d in 1949, compared with 18s 4d for the proper marked out pitch. Good for people on a budget, who didn't have an old army blanket kicking around.
Set L (1947): Green imitation baize
for converting into a Playing Pitch Cloth 54" x 44"
The accessory list was one of the first things that I laid out for this site over twenty years ago. At the time, I didn't have access to the full range of Subbuteo price lists, so did not know the exact dates for each item. This gave me a problem on the very few occasions when letters were reused. For Set L, I gave the two very different accessories (referees; logbook) a code of (a) and (b) for my own reference as much as anything. With the referee sheet on the price list in 1949 I figured I was on safe ground... Shows what I know. So the codes have gone, and dates have arrived.
This first Set L is only on the Autumn 1947 price list, and is actually as much of a mystery as the plastic sheeting which (at the time) was set K. It can't be the same material as the later Green Baize cloth, because it was much cheaper. In fact, at 7s 6d it was also about half the price of the plastic sheeting option. Peter Adolph's game was famously funded by pre-orders (the 1940s equivalent of crowd-funding!), and the original assembly edition was therefore made on a budget, only supplying a piece of chalk to mark out your pitch (an old army blanket being the famous pitch option). You've got to give credit to Peter Adolph though. Clearly, his vision for the game was more along the lines of the Assembled editions of the 1950s, and the product improved steadily in these early years. You can see the appeal of having a proper "official" Subbuteo pitch. Here, Adolph is exploring his options, but neither this or the plastic sheeting proved to be the correct product. The search would continue.
Set L (1948-56): Referee and
Linesmen Sheet.
together with three black hemispherical bases.
This is one of the few Subbuteo numbers which was reused (more than once!) for a completely different set. This 1950s Set L was a card sheet containing a referee and two linesman, plus three black bases. As with the teams, the celluloid referees followed hot on the heels of this set, and were in the range by 1949.
Set L (1956-68): Logbook
(first version)
for keeping accurate league tables and all
information concerning your leagues.
The original 1950s logbook was a simple affair costing 1s 3d. With all the statistics generated by kids, Subbuteo was onto a winner with this set. Mind you, if they had sold more of these books, perhaps there wouldn't be so many Subbuteo sets with scores written inside the box lid.
The original logbook was a simple design, and changed little over its life. There were twenty pages. The first page gave room for team names, managers, and "assoc. no" for fourteen sides (along with a space for "qualified referees". Then it was on to the league, with a table with room for eight clubs, and room for four rounds of matches each month (over five months). Then there was a page for the cup competition (16 teams in round 1), a couple of pages for "important matches", a lot of room for leading goal scorers, and notes, and a page given over to "statistics and records" (longest undefeated run, worst goal average, longest cup tie etc). The version I own is clearly from the mid/late 1960s, as the inside cover is advertising the "British Table Soccer Assn", which did not form until 1965. However, the back page is a vintage Subbuteo advert, with the game "newly invented".
Set L (1969-76) Super Logbook.
A vital booklet for your records and reference. Thirty pages of Soccer features and facts, in a handsome embossed wallet cover.
This was a much more showy affair (although maybe not as showy as the glowing catalogue description above suggests). The small picture here doesn't do it justice - the cover is surprisingly large, and rather attractive, in dark green with gold lettering. Inside was a more simple book (as shown below) that gave plenty of room for match scores, as well as a few pages of football titbits (which were frequently updated). Thanks to Joe Butt for the scan of this item.
This was simply a refill for the wallet of Set L, and was introduced at the same time for 2s 11d. It managed to outlive the cover. After changing to C147 it received a final mention (and illustration) in the 1978 Subbuteo catalogue.
Set LL: Two spare goalkeepers.
Can be utilised for goal-kicks and for playing the advanced rules. Saves taking goalkeepers off wire handle.
The description is not much different that set HH, and both were the same price (1s 3d), so I had long assumed these figures were just standard goalkeepers. In fact they were shown in action pose (although the plastic is the usual footballer shape). As both goalkeeper and base are the same as an outfield player in a celluloid team, this item was far from essential. Still, they look pretty good.
Set M: Green baize playing-pitch cloth.
...of a superior quality, whipped at the edges and imprinted with the field of play... This marked-out playing pitch is a very handsome article. A new type of cloth, the result of much research.
No modesty there then :-) Actually, in my view the 1960s pitches that I own (circa 1970) are of a much better quality than the later ones. These are a thicker, stiffer material, and you can't see the pitch markings from the other side. An added advantage to this was that you could pile some books on the floor, throw the cloth over them, and hey presto - a hill for wargaming. What do you mean you don't wargame?
Not surprisingly for a set sold throughout Subbuteo's history, different variations exist - both in texture and colour of cloth. The first change came early, and was mentioned in the catalogues. The 1952-53 version saw "a new type of cloth - the result of much research and available this season". The trouble is that Peter Adolph did not generally offer a full set with a pitch until the following season, so what the early 1947-51 pitch was like, I do not know.
The 1950s pitch was dark green, quite stiff, and had no makers name on it. The 1960s-1970s pitches were lighter in colour, and softer to the touch. Initially these still did not have the name of the game on them, but it was added in the late 1960s. Various different sizes of logo were produced, but I'll leave those details to another time I think. The set remained on this number until 1973, when it filled the vacant C109 slot in the continental range.
Set MM: Green Baize playing cloth.
An interesting addition to the football range, this rugby pitch was produced in the late 1950s and early 1960s for the quirky rolling disc version of rugby. (see the rugby page for details). The cricket range of the time had a small accessory range, but there was not one for this strange rugby game, so this was really the only place they could offer the pitch as an extra (and you could buy a rugby set without a pitch, so there was a need). The later rugby game had an accessory range, so the pitch for that version was offered there (under reference RM).
Due to the fact that I've been sent pictures for nearly all of this early range, I've felt the need to split it over two pages. Follow the link for accessories N-Z
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